
Tuesday 23 June 2020

If you have ever been scammed, here’s how to get your money back

In 2016, a friend/colleague of mine got scammed of good money and although she had paid into a bank account and had the phone number of the person she did business with, she was unable to retrieve her cash.

Nigeria prisons, is there hope for the prisoner within your walls?

Do innocent Nigerians ever get away from the poison that is Nigerian prisons?

In other countries, there are stories of prisoners who come up for parole after they must have been well behaved within the prison walls for five years and then they are released to start a new life after the correctional facility has made them better people.

Nigerian prisons

I personally have encountered prisoners who beg me for money because they don’t

Tuesday 2 June 2020

10 Ways To Grow Your Business With Digital

I hate this word. There is no one why likes the sound of poverty or lack but that is a reality of the times we face.

Six Ways To Share Art With Others using Digital

Life is art or art is art.
If music be the song of my soul, play on’.

8 Ways to Create Better Content

Content is king. Everyone says so.
Does content really call all the shots or is this phrase just another marketing gimmick?

Should Christians kiss in a relationship?

Kissing, smooching, petting.
The stuff romantic relationships are made of. Or so we think.

Why Nigerians should go on vacation

Everyone needs rest

Ever sat down for twenty minutes and created a masterpiece for an advertising campaign in a twinkle of an eye, which turned out brilliant.

If you have ever been scammed, here’s how to get your money back

In 2016, a friend/colleague of mine got scammed of good money and although she had paid into a bank account and had the phone number of the...